Global timber trade crisis, analysis and outlook
La forêt privée, Paris, 2009 & Sylva Belgica, Liège, 2009
UN / ECE Timber Committee Geneva 2003
CIS Madera / Atlanwood 2006
ITTO / ITC, Geneva, 2002
ITTO 2005
The Pines and their Markets, a global view
La Forêt Privée, Paris, 2002
ITTO 2005
Markets for secondary processed wood products
UN/ECE, Geneva, 2000
UN / ECE Timber Committee Geneva 2005
UN / ECE Timber Committee Rome 2000
Le bois et l'homme (Co-Author )
Nathan, Paris, 2003
L’Atlas du Bois (Co-Author )
De Monza, Paris, 2001
Forest and Globalisation
La Forêt Privée, Paris, 2000
Pierre M. DESCLOS |
Forest Products Consultants |